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Help Make the Trail a Reality!


The Kickapoo Rail Trail, a 24.5-mile retired railroad corridor that spans from the east side of Urbana to the Vermilion County Fairgrounds and Kickapoo State Park, was purchased by the Champaign County Forest Preserve District and the Vermilion County Conservation District in 2014.


By donating today, you can help us complete the trail and maintain it for future use!

Donation Opportunities​

Donations at any level are appreciated.  If you are interested in a large gift or have questions about donating, contact

Thank you supporters!

The Vermilion County Conservation Foundation, Forest Preserve Friends Foundation,  and Urbana Parks Foundation would like to thank all donors who have contributed to the KRT, especially those who made a gracious contribution of $1,000 or more.

Helen Agallianos
Carl and Nadja Altstetter
Janet and Ansel Anderson
Aqua Charitable Trust
Tim and Elizabeth Bartlett
George and Sandra Batzli
Nancy Bauer and Shirley Jenkins
Elaine Bearden
Robeson Family Benefit Fund
Rod and Christine Beyers
Christopher and Claire Billing
Mary Blair
Charles Boast and Marsha Clinard

John Braden
William Brown
Gary Brummet and Donna Juhl
Victor and Bonnie Buraglio
Busey Bank
Craig Chamberlain
Champaign County Bikes
Champaign County Design & Conservation Foundation
Champaign Cycle
Charles and Rebecca Cline
Rosemary Costello
Karl Crapse

Cycles Plus

Cathy and Whitson Daily

Peter Davis

Jean Due

Brian Farrell

Fred Faulstich

Lucille Frasca

Friends of the New Hope Trail

Beverly and Mike Friese
Rich Furr
Kevin and Sue Green
Alvin Griggs
Thomas and Darlene Halloran

Heartland Properties Group
Heritage Petroleum
Cynthia Hoyle and Sheldon Katz
Philip Hult
John and Margaret Hume
Miriam Iben
Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation
Gary and Dixie Jackson
Jay and Shelley Jimenez
Jimmy John's Sandwiches
Eric Johnson
Christopher Korose
Bruce Larson
Jimmy and Leslie Liautaud
Carol Lichtensteiger
Kim Linne
Sarah and Jeff Livesay
Mark Lourance
Susan Lowry
David and Christine Main
Kathy Martin
Maureen McCord
Betty Mervis
Michael Walker and CK Gunsalus
Dirk Mol and Jerry Wray
Donald Moyer
Daniel Noel and Robin Allen

Oakwood Men's Club

​Dan and Stacy Olson

Luanna Olson

Dick O'Neill

Gerald Pagac
John Peterson
Prairie Cycle Club
Judy Rathgeber
Ruth Reeder and Jae Allen
Amy Robison
Barak Rosenshine
Stephen and Deborah Rugg
John Severns
Trent Shepard
Charlie Skoog
William and Merry Ann Smith
St. Joseph 5K Santa Run/Walk
Bruce and Joanne Stikkers
The Andersons Inc. Charitable Foundation
Lott and Suann Thomas
Ralph and Carolyn Trimble
Vermilion Advantage, NFP
Vermilion County Conservation District
Vermilion Healthcare Foundation
Sandra and Bill Volk
Patricia Webb
Ruth Wene and Tom Seals
Nancy Westcott
Peggi White
Bobby Wilkerson
Mary Ellen Wuellner
Ann Panthen

​Julius W. Hegeler II Foundation

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